Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Quite Similar: 18th Century vs. 21st Century



Usually I would make a post ranting about how I don’t like people to tell me what to wear or when to wear it, or how dressing comfortable is so much better. But this I decided to do something that’s going to be a little different.You see recently in my Dress History class we’ve been learning about how women dressed back in the 18th century and certain things that influenced them to dress that way. And to be honest its really no different than the reason women in the 21st century dress the way they do.
                For example, back in the 18th century slim (ex. Small waistline) was in. So in order to make themselves achieve this slim look, smaller than normal, they wore corsets. And considering how unnaturally small their wait line looked, it had to be terribly uncomfortable to wear corsets. Why did they do this though? Well most influence came from the royal court and that’s the style they were wearing. But they also did it to keep up with the fashion of the time.
                Sooo that just made me think about how today, so many women still strive for this slim look. So many women wear body shapers and spanx (helps make body curves look smoother/sucks everything in)to get that look. Why? Well just like back in the 18th century, people are influenced by what they see. Today most women see the models with the tiny waist and think, “I must look like that.” Only because society has portrayed that as beautiful, and because its normal for people to want what they can’t/don’t have.
                Well you know what I think about all this? I just say just be you. If you feel the need to wear body shapers or whatever  to make yourself feel beautiful, then go right ahead. There will come a time wear you’ll develop your own definition of beauty. But that’s another rant for a different blog post. Just remember whatever you wear or however you decide to look, give it your own FLAIR and you can’t  go wrong.

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