Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Beauty? What is That?

Beauty? What is that? Well beauty can be defined as so many different things, it all just depends on the person. The dictionary defines beauty as “the quality in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind.” That sounds was really deep. And up until this very moment I never really sat and thought about a definition for beauty. Just like everything else in life, you never really sit and think about what something means until you sit down and are forced to think about it. In all reality I always just thought beauty was something a person found really pretty or attractive. But really any person, place, animal, or thing can be considered beautiful. So I sat down and tried to come up with my own definition of beauty compared to what society may see as beautiful.
                Seeing as how beauty can be defined as almost anything in the entire world, coming up with my own definition was actually pretty tricky. I feel like it would take me a whole eight page paper or more to try and define beauty. But I’m not going to do that, so I just found a picture that might show my definition and a picture that shows society’s definition.

                                                            (My sister on her prom day)

                                                               (A runway picture I found)

                Because beauty can be defined as anything, I decided  to go with the beauty of people. To be more specific, their outer beauty. Someone with a great sense of outer beauty, to me, looks healthy and confident in their own skin. They don’t care what other people feel they should look like. And I feel society basically defines outer beauty as thin. You know just small everything (hips,waist, bust,etc..) We see this mostly with runway models today. In my opinion, some of those models look a little scary and sick. They just look like they need to eat something.
                But as I said before beauty can be anything you want it to be. So if you think that size 000 model is beautiful, then who am I to judge you. Beauty is all about your own FLAIR. Your own style. Nobody can determine for  you what you think is beautiful.

Sources: hundredtenpounds.wordpress.com & Dictionary.com

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