Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Definition of Fashion!

  When you look up fashion in the dictionary it’s defined as “any [predominant] custom or style of dress.” Well I would say it’s anything you can wear confidently and rock it. Even though there are many people who will that just anything can’t be fashionable. Well who cares what they think. To be honest what you are wearing at this very moment can be considered fashionable. Yes, even if you are sitting in your pajamas right now, what you are wearing can be very fashionable. Just because one person says it can’t be a fashion doesn't mean you should just write that off.

     You should let others force their opinion on you. Uniqueness, creativity, and originality are some of the things that make fashion so wonderful. Just be you. Have confidence and rock whatever wear. Give it your own FLAIR, and you can’t go wrong.

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